News 2012

Aug 30, 2012 | EU-Project with Empa participation trumps the competition
The “Winsmart” project convinced the EU experts. They judged the application for funding submitted by Empa researcher Matthias Koebel for the project – the development of "intelligent" windows for the buildings of...
Aug 20, 2012 | New aerogel-based plaster provides better insulation
Old buildings are beautiful – and hard to insulate. Empa and the Swiss render manufacturer Fixit AG together developed a new Aerogel-based plaster that provides twice the insulation of currently used insulating renders....
13.08.2012 | Beitrag im «Wirtschaftsmagazin»
Spitzenforschung und zahlreiche bahnbrechende Entwicklungen haben die Schweiz bekannt gemacht. Als kleines, rohstoffarmes Land steht die Schweiz im globalen Wettbewerb, sie muss ihre Stärken nutzen und sich künftigen...
Aug 6, 2012 | Risk re-classified for carcinogenic everyday substance
Since June 2012, it is official: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified diesel soot as a lung carcinogen. Artur Braun, a physicist at Empa and an X-ray spectroscopy expert, has made crucial contributions to...
26.07.2012 | EmpaNews 37 erschienen
Der Empa fällt für die Entwicklung innovativer medizintechnischer Produkte in der Schweiz eine wichtige Rolle zu. So forscht eine Abteilung in St.Gallen an neuartigen Implantatoberflächen, die das Einwachsen ins...
23 juil. 2012 | Camp d’été 2012 de l’Empa
C’est au mois de juillet qu’a eu lieu pour la neuvième fois déjà le camp d’été de l’Empa. Ce programme d’une semaine aide les parents à mieux concilier travail et famille durant les vacances scolaires. Les enfants de 7 à...
Jul 13, 2012 | Boosting European competitiveness in photovoltaics
With 13 partners from all over Europe, Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, has launched an EU-funded project to develop affordable, more efficient solar cells. With an overall...
Jul 6, 2012 | Life-cycle analyses in the energy sector
A study conducted by researchers from the ETH and Empa has come to the conclusion that large sized wind turbines produce "greener" electric power than small ones. Environmental benefits have also accrued as wind turbine...
Jun 20, 2012 | TA-SWISS study on localization technologies
My Smartphone knows where I am and my credit card company does too. My cellphone provider records the time and place of each telephone conversation I have, and my employer registers, when I am opening the door of my...
Jun 19, 2012 | KTI research project «EcoFactory»
In the KTI research project «EcoFactory», Empa researchers are collaborating with industrial partners, economists from the ETH Zurich and computer scientists to develop software with which companies can determine the...
Jun 14, 2012 | Empa solar cells at the Swiss Museum of Transport
«The Sun Moves» is a special exhibition at the “Verkehrshaus”, Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne, and last week it gained a new attraction – a showcase full of brightly colored, rotating solar cells which demonstrate...
Jun 7, 2012 | The Hydrogen Consultants
In Brugg, in Canton Aargau, post buses powered by fuel cells have been in operation since 2011. Empa staff researching in the fields of hydrogen and energy are involved in the project, acting as consultants during the...
Jun 7, 2012 | Hydrogen as a fuel
Hydrogen created using renewable energy sources is a form of power which could free us from our dependency on oil, gas and coal. When hydrogen is used to generate power it produces no CO2 as an unwanted byproduct....
May 29, 2012 | Fiber Society Meeting at Empa
Around 200 textile research professionals met at the end of May in St Gallen at the international Fiber Society Spring Conference to keep abreast of current trends in research and development in this field. The host...
May 14, 2012 | Functional working clothes
In order to test the new «smart» protective vest, an experimenter wearing one has jogged several kilometers on the treadmill in a climate-controlled chamber at Empa. During the jog he lost 544 grams in weight through...
Apr 25, 2012 | Innovations on the market
In June a monitoring system is becoming commercially available that will allow nursing staff to accurately record the mobility of bedridden persons. The system has been developed for the prevention of bedsores by...
10 avr. 2012 | Eliminatoires suisses pour la Physic-Worldcup
Pourquoi une balle de golf peut-elle rebondir hors du trou sur le green? C’est sur de tels problèmes que se sont affrontés à l’Empa à la fin du mois de mars lors du «Swiss Young Physicists‘ Tournament» des gymnasiennes...
Mar 27, 2012 | Wood Research Symposium
For 75 years Empa has been conducting research on all aspects relating to wood. Beginning with an investigation into the properties of various types of indigenous woods, today this has grown into a research area with...
Mar 19, 2012 | Next conferences to be held in China, India, Africa and Latin America
Against the backdrop of the multiple crises of the past years - financial, food and energy - the World Resources Forum announced today an expansion of its activities. On top of the successful bi-annual events in Davos,...
Mar 15, 2012 | «Best Paper»-Award
Every year, the editors of the scientific journal «Environmental Science & Technology», select the best papers among their peer-reviewed contributions, which numbered more than 1500 in 2011 alone. This year, a...