News 2011

Mar 18, 2011 | Wind tunnel begins operations at Empa in Duebendorf
On hot days it is often very still in cities because the high density of buildings prevents the air from circulating freely. In the newly commissioned wind tunnel operated by Empa and the ETH Zürich wind effects and...
Feb 17, 2011 | Empa/ETH Zurich study published in «Nature»
For the first time, scientists from Empa and ETH Zurich have, in collaboration with a Dutch team, managed to measure the atomic structure of individual nanoparticles. The technique, recently published in «Nature», could...
Feb 15, 2011 | EmpaNews 32 published
Researchers of Empa and ETH Zürich's Institute for Rapid Product Development, together with the Swiss company TISCA TIARA and the German fibre manufacturer Schramm GmbH, have developed a bi-component fibre for a novel...
Feb 10, 2011 | Empa and TISCA TIARA have developed a novel bi-component fibre
Empa researchers, together with TISCA TIARA, a Swiss manufacturer of artificial turf, have developed a novel fibre for artificial turf. The bi-component fibre returns to an upright position again and again thanks to a...
09.02.2011 | Axpo Holding AG und Empa
Elektrofahrzeuge sind nicht immer umweltfreundlich. Eine unabhängige Studie der Empa im Auftrag der Axpo zur Ökobilanz von Fahrzeugen mit verschiedenen Antrieben zeigt zwei Erkenntnisse: Wichtig ist, dass die zum Antrieb...
Feb 2, 2011 | Empa organises an international construction conference in Dubai
The first international conference on “smart” monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of buildings and other construction works will take place from 8-10 February 2011 in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, the place...
Feb 1, 2011 | Winter smog and fine particulates
Road traffic is one of the main sources of fine particulate matter in the atmosphere, above all when the weather situation favors the creation of winter smog, as has been the case over the past few day in the Swiss...
Jan 28, 2011 | How Safe Is Nano?
The rapid development of nanotechnology has increased fears about the health risks of nano-objects. Are these fears justified? Do we need a new discipline, nanotoxicology, to evaluate the risks? Harald F. Krug and Peter...