News 2011

Nov 2, 2011 | How do green algae react to carbon nanotubes?
Nanoparticles such as carbon nanotubes (CNT), which are found in an ever-increasing number of products, are ending up more and more frequently in our surroundings. If and how they affect aquatic ecosystems are questions...
27.10.2011 | Vorbildprojekt des Textilverbandes Schweiz TVS und der Empa
Der Leitfaden «Nano Textiles» soll Unternehmen der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie den sicheren Zu- und Umgang mit der Nanotechnik erleichtern. Denn nur wer zuverlässig sichere und innovative Produkte herstellt, hat im...
Oct 25, 2011 | Pure luxury – thanks to Empa technology
True luxury has only one color – gold. A nanometer-thin layer of pure gold now lends ties and pocket handkerchiefs that authentic gold sheen, thanks to a new Empa-developed process. The yarn, which is coated using a...
Oct 24, 2011 | New process for manufacturing nanocellulose recognized with the Empa Research Award
For some time now nanocellulose has been at the focus of a good deal of industrial and scientific interest as a novel biomaterial. Potential applications range from the creation of new kinds of commercially useful...