News 2010

2 nov. 2010 | Les «Journées de la technique» sur le thème de la mobilité durable
La contribution de l’Empa aux «Journées de la technique a rencontré un vif intérêt. Consacrées cette année au futur de l’automobile, cette manifestation a abordé des thèmes tels que l’électromobilité et les voitures...
Oct 19, 2010 | Empa evaluates environmental friendliness of light sources
In a new study, Empa researchers have investigated the ecobalances of various household light sources. In doing so not only did they take into account energy consumption, but also the manufacture and disposal processes....
Oct 13, 2010 | Empa knowhow used in the NRLA alpine transit route
Among those celebrating the breakthrough of the longest rail tunnel in the world on October 15th 2010 were Empa engineers and researchers. Their task was to ensure that the tunnel remains dry for the next hundred years –...
Oct 12, 2010 | Computer model to calculate noise levels along the Swiss rail network
Working together with an international project team, Empa’s acoustic specialists have developed a computer model which allows them to calculate noise levels along the entire Swiss rail network. The program describes how...
17.09.2010 | E-Scooter-Testtag an der Empa in St. Gallen
Am Dienstag, 21. September, haben Zweiradfans wiederum Gelegenheit, auf dem Gelände der Empa in St. Gallen verschiedene elektrische Zweiräder, so genannte E-Scooter, auszuprobieren. Organisiert wird der Testtag von der...
Sep 14, 2010 | CO2 emissions from hybrid and natural gas fuelled vehicles
If you are looking for an environmentally friendly automobile, think about getting a hybrid car or one running on natural-gas. In terms of CO2 emissions both perform significantly better than gasoline or diesel fuelled...
9 sept. 2010 | Innovation Day de l’industrie textile
Le 5e Innovation Day de la Fédération Textile Suisse TVS était placé sous la devise «Le textile quitte ses frontières». Les idées novatrices présentées ont fourni de nombreux thèmes aux discussions animées des quelque...
Sep 2, 2010 | CTI Medtech Award 2010 goes to Empa Spin-off
Further recognition for Empa’s spin-off enterprise “compliant concept”: on August 31st in Bern the team’s work, “An Intelligent Bed System for the Prevention and Therapy of Decubitus Ulcers” was honored with the CTI...