News 2007

8 févr. 2007 | 32e Apéro scientifique de l’Académie Empa
Il y a bien des années, l’industrie du bois a mené une campagne publicitaire pour ses produits avec le slogan: «le bois est chaleureux». Avec le béton cela ne serait guère pensable. Pour beaucoup, sa teinte grise est...
Feb 2, 2007 | Honorable retirement after 35 years at Empa
On 26th January Walter Muster’s decades of scientific work at Empa were honored by the award of the Mirko Roš Medal. At a festive ceremony in the Empa Academy the research institution took leave of the erstwhile member...
Jan 31, 2007 | Powered by artificial muscles
Conventional propeller driven airships have their disadvantages. They are inefficient, and thereby wasteful of energy, and they are noisy too. Empa scientists are looking to solve both these problems by using a...
Jan 24, 2007 | Fiber-reinforced polymers lend new life to old buildings
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are frequently used today to strengthen buildings to make them suitable for new applications and uses, as well as to prevent them suffering earthquake damage. The success...